Thursday, September 16, 2010

Squeaky wheel gets the grease

OK, so Kondee's Mom gave me the ass kicking I needed via text message this morning...thank you! You did exactly what a friend is supposed to do and I appreciate it. Between her, BeBe, DH and my mom, I got back on track today. I talked to a couple of my girlfriends and they're gonna come over and help me get all my freakin laundry sorted and put away and straighten up and finally get this place squared away. I hit Wal-mart today after I took BabyBoy to school and got the rest of what I need to get organized...I think. I was beat by the time I put it all away and I took a nice little nap. Picked up NumberOneSon, got some dinner, went to a parenting class and then since we got out early I went to Bike Night at the bar.

It was nice to see everyone at Bike Night, it's been awhile since I've gone. It's the first time my friends had seen me since Pinup Barber chopped it off Twiggy style on Tuesday. It was cracking me up because there were multiple people who didn't recognize me. I sure wish I could ride my bike, but I think it's probably gonna be next year.

I really love and appreciate all my friends and family. There is no way I can get through this without the support and help of the people who love me. And I'm lucky enough to have friends and family who love me warts and all ( should see the icky wart on my right middle finger) and who don't get mad at me when I blow off some steam. I don't think there's any way I can ever repay all the kindness given me, but I will spend the rest of my life trying once I'm over this.

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