Well it's been a few days since I blogged 'cause I've been BUSY! That's right...I got off my ass and started getting some stuff done. My girl BeBe came over Thursday and Friday and we started cleaning my nasty house! It is so much better now and I can actually stand to walk into my kitchen. In case you didn't know...Domino's wing sauce will stain your white vinyl kitchen floor and NOTHING gets it out!! So I now have new orange accents on the floor near my table. I guess that's what I get for checking out for a week or two.
My nephew came up to visit Friday night with his little girls and we took all the kids to eat Chinese food and then they caught lightening bugs while we drank a few PBRs in the driveway. Such a pleasant night.
Yesterday was a BBQ at my in-laws since we have so many relatives in visiting so everyone could get together without having to make the rounds. Last night was girls' night with BeBe & John's Girl. Today is my daughter's BFF's birthday party at the lake and moving some furniture and appliances tonight...gosh where does the fun end? Um, right there where I said moving furniture and appliances, duh.
The best is yet to come though...DH is on his way home for a few days! I think I'll cook breakfast tomorrow morning to celebrate!! And I leave tomorrow evening to go to my girl Kondee's Mom's place since she's going to my doctor's appointments with me Tuesday. And then we're just gonna chill at her place a few days...I can't wait for a change of scenery and to find out what the game plan is! Who knows, maybe they'll tell me the exact same thing they told me here, but at least I'll know it's right, or as right as it can be considering there's no treatment that's 100% curative.
Anyway, I guess the point of this post is that I've actually gotten moving instead of being all inside myself and mopey. It's very easy to get into that cycle and very hard to break it. I just had to humble myself (hard for me since I want people to always think I have it together) and ask my friend for help. And BeBe being the cool chick she is just said OK, when do you want to start? No judgement, no shocked look when she saw my kitchen and laundry room, just started folding clean clothes and washing dishes and scrubbing cabinets and walls...and kept me going because I'm easily distracted!
I know that family and friends are what's going to help me through this time, and I'm thankful God has given me such an amazing support system.
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