Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nothing is ever simple and clearcut!

Well, I woke up at 6:30 this morning just feeling awful and wanting to go back to sleep. Fortunately, after about an hour, I did go back to sleep and slept great till about 10. Then I made the mistake of walking into the kids have completely destroyed it! Lord knows how long it's gonna take to clean it up...tomorrow. I ain't doin nothin today!!

I've been reading the boob book and doing some research on reputable websites today. It seems that it is just not a clearcut treatment plan for breast cancer. Heck, I can't even get a consensus on whether DCIS is cancer at all! Some people call it a "pre-cancer." Some sources say it can't spread. But riddle me this Batman...I have "at least three microscopic foci of invasive ductal carcinoma in a background of extensive ductal carcinoma in situ..." on one sample and "at least two microscopic foci of invasive ductal carcinoma in a background of extensive ductal carcinoma in situ..." on the other. Is someone actually trying to say the invasive ductal carcinoma didn't come from the DCIS? Or do they mean it won't spread outside the breast? Apparently my chances for getting breast cancer in the other breast with DCIS is no greater than if I'd waited till after age 35 to have my first pregnancy.

So I'm confused, do I have one or both done? My initial gut reaction was I'm not so sure. I mean, my boobs are by no means perfect, but they're pretty spectacular for a 36 year old woman who breastfed three children. I kind of like them. But if I get only one removed and reconstructed, will it be as good as my old one? Or will it be better? What if my old boob is jealous because the new boob gets all the attention? What if my new boob thinks it's the redheaded stepchild? Will a plastic surgeon really be able to replicate the bit of sag that three pregnancies and 36 years have provided? Would he or she want to? Isn't plastic surgery all about making it better than what nature gave you? "Hey look guys, I made a second boob as imperfect as her first one!!"

Apparently there are several different procedures for getting breast reconstruction, but the plastic surgeons around her only do a couple. I'm still gonna meet with the plastic surgeon I have an appointment with, but I'm thinking I'm going to head to Washington University/Barnes Jewish in St. Louis for a second opinion. I'm gonna have these boob(s) a long time...I want them to be good, ya know? I want people I meet in the future to not know I've had reconstructive surgery unless I tell them. Besides, maybe they have ideas I've not heard of yet. You can't find everything on the internet. I mean, it's probably there, but you've got to find it!

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