Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lazy day...

It's almost noon and I'm still in my jammies. A couple of months ago there was nothing unusual about that but I've been doing a lot better. Not today, though. I was beat down by 5 yesterday evening and even contemplated going to bed early, but I was afraid I'd wake up at 3 am and not be able to go back to sleep. So instead I dozed off and on on the couch, falling asleep and then waking up and realizing I'd missed part of my show and rewinding (I love DVR!!) til I finally decided to go to bed. Apparently the last time I fell asleep was a good one because I didn't wake up til after 2!! Crap! Here I go again! This morning my back hurts and I'm tired and cranky. So I'm still in my jammies, playing with my cockatiel Coco and drinking coffee. And blogging (obviously).

Currently Coco is sitting on the back of the chair chewing his toes. I Googled. It's normal bird behavior.

NOS was very resistant to getting off the computer and doing his homework and going to bed last night. He apparently was also very quiet getting around this morning because I just knew he'd overslept and missed the bus. However...he didn't AND he put the trash can on the curb. Without being reminded by his mother. I'm so proud.

It's picture day for my little ones, so I made sure their clothes matched and picked a coordinating background color. School photos are getting expensive. $25 for each kid and you don't even get that many pics!! And the smallest package was still $18.

Now Coco is chewing on the wood trim around the window. I Googled again. Also normal bird behavior. Not sure if chewing is the right term, he doesn't have teeth, but beaking doesn't really sound right either.

I was reviewing my calendar and fall is going to be very busy for me!! Last outpatient surgery is coming up in a month. We've started planning our second anniversary party at the bar. Big D and I are booking bands right and left. PTA convention, school events, family get-togethers, the holidays. So much to do, so little time.

I'm feeling loathe to leave my house on a day that I don't really HAVE to when I think about all the non-lazy days I have coming up. The couple of things I had on my list for today can wait til tomorrow. That way I don't have to drive to the big city twice in two days.

See, I'm conserving energy, treehuggers.

So bring on the Nutella s'mores and a Criminal Minds marathon.

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